About us

Our values


Propulso always strives for full transparency. We give you access to a dashboard that displays all your data in real time. With no surprises and no fine print, you can easily track every detail of your campaigns. Have a question? Don’t worry, customer service will always be there when you need it. Although we use highly advanced technologies, we also recognize the need for real people to answer your questions.


At Propulso, our teams come up with good ideas by constantly coming up with new ones. Always pushing the envelope, our company leverages imagination and creativity to ensure that our clients benefit from the latest technological discoveries in the field of geolocation. Following an iterative approach, Propulso maintains a scalable platform whose development is focused on producing positive results for our clients.


We’re proud of our roots in Canada, Quebec and Magog. We’re not the kind of business that moves its head office to a tax haven! By choosing Propulso, you’re investing in local media. Rather than lining the pockets of American tech giants, we put nearly 70% of our clients’ advertising budgets back into the Canadian economy.

R&D and the Origins of the Technology

With more than 35 years of combined experience in the fields of marketing and technology, our team dreamed of breaking down the barriers between the physical and digital worlds. Innovation has always been part of our DNA, and we knew that we were on track to develop truly revolutionary technology!

Start of Commercial Testing

Following a year of development, the initial version of the platform was released to a few select clients. Highly promising results and strong interest in the platform from agencies and consultants spurred growth at Propulso. In order to accelerate development, we hired an account manager, an operations manager and an additional full-stack developer.

Launch of Managed Services

After more than 18 months of internal testing, we proceeded with an invitation-only launch of our managed services offering to Canadian marketing industry professionals. We also unveiled an innovative platform for tracking managed campaign analytics in real time.

Launch of the Self-Service Platform

More than three years of research and development ultimately led to the public launch of our technology via a new self-service platform. It was truly a groundbreaking moment in the Canadian advertising industry!

Our Team

Management Team

Mathieu Le Reste

Chief Executive Officer

Charles Madore

Vice President and Director of Operations

Nicolas Dessureault

Sales Director

Jean-Sébastien Prénovost

Vice President of Strategy and Commercialization

Virginie Belhumeur

Marketing Director

Vincent Quernel

Technology Director

Nathalie Mc Cabe, CPA, M.SC.

Financial Controller

Véronique Tardif

HR Advisor

Sales Team

Vincent Desmarais

Account Executive

Julien Quincou

Account Executive

Kudzai Ndoro

Account Executive

Jonathan Rabano

Account Executive

Jean-Luc Rulfi

Account Executive

Jean Courtemanche


Tech Team

Audrey Thomas

Senior Full-Stack Developer

Raphaël Lebrasseur

Full-Stack Developer

Benjamin Nolette

Full-Stack Developer

Olivier Mailhot

Full-Stack Developer

Support and Production Team

Jonathan Lemay

Technical Support and Customer Success Manager

Jennifer James

Technical Support and Customer Success Manager

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